Monday, February 18, 2013

Integrating History: President's Day

If you can name all of these guys below, you are amazing. I still get hung up.

Today, buildings are closed.  

 My child asked why? Isn't there only one President? I would be silly to not explain to her the history of it all. Only then, did she look confused.

I luckily had these two books on hand.

That is as far as we have gotten today. 
For the older kids, there are so many other books that would be better for their reading level. These two are my particular favorites:

If anything, challenge yourself and your kids. Take that picture from the top of all the Presidents, add our current President Obama, copy it twice and play the matching game. Add their names for a challenge. Good luck and have a wonderful day off!!

Moment in history:
Last year, the living Presidents got together for this great picture. Isn't it great to live in a country where our leadership can get along and the torch passes peacefully?