Sunday, October 9, 2011

Integrating Feelings: Llama llama

These books are so cute. I love the way they rhyme. The illustrations are great. The author, Anna Dewdney does a good job with the stories. It explains just how little ones feel as they begin school, want to leave the store, or need to go to bed. What I love about these books is that the Little Llama grows up in each book. You can read them in order and have your little one explore that.

All ages can read and enjoy the books, but the activities and website are geared toward children ages 2-9.

They are just easy reads. I bet your older children could write their own Llama llama book. You should challenge them to try.
Teacher has great ideas for teachers and parents to use to get their children thinking.

For Comprehension it is suggested that:
• Ask your readers to make predictions about the text. They should focus on the characters’ feelings, events in the plot, and problem/
solution situations.
• Readers can become involved in the story by visualizing the scenes that take place throughout the book. Ask students to draw their
own versions of the story action before seeing the real illustrations.

Values & Decision Making
Explain the concepts of values and personalities to your students. Ask students to think about things they personally value: their families,
friends, toys, etc. Get to know Llama Llama by reading Llama Llama Red Pajama, Llama Llama Mad at Mama, Llama Llama Misses
Mama, and Llama Llama Holiday Drama out loud to your class.
• Little Llama grows older with each book. Read the books in order and discuss how he changes.
• Use the text and pictures in each book to find examples of Llama’s values and personality traits.
• As a class, make a list of Llama’s favorite things and words that describe his personality.
Do the same for Mama Llama. Compare and contrast your lists. How are your students similar
to and diff erent from little Llama?
• What does he learn at the end of each story?

For more information, see the website above.

You can also visit the cutest website ever: Llama Llama Homepage

There is even an APP for that!!

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