We start each learning day around 9 a.m. We follow the schedule and not putting times on things has proven to be helpful because while my 2nd grader might need 30 minutes on Math, my 5th grader might need 1.5 hours. As we take an hour break for lunch and PE, we finish up the "school day" around 2 p.m.
But here is what I cannot stress enough---- please don't worry about getting everything accomplished that the teacher has sent home! A regular school day looks different than a COVID day and I shared that with my child's teacher. I also suggested that Friday she doesn't assign anything so that that day can be our catch up day and she loved the idea.
There is education in everything you do as a family: cooking, taking walks, playing board games. But the learning that takes place is new for everyone. Please give teachers a moment to figure out what that looks like but be in contact with them. I found this website site that talked about what continuous learning should look like.
As an educator myself, I didn't do every assignment given to my children daily and I didn't feel bad about it. We are about 3 days behind and I am ok with that. It will get accomplished. We are learning.